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About Our Church

Good Shepherd Anglican Church is part of the Anglican Church in North America which unites 134,000 Anglicans in 1,062 congregations across the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a single Church.  

The Anglican tradition is defined by and centered on our church’s classic formularies – the Book of Common Prayer, including the Ordinal, and the Thirty-nine Articles – which all point back to the authority of the Holy Bible and articulate foundational principles of the Anglican tradition throughout the world.

Our History

Originally located on Paint Street in Chillicothe, Good Shepherd Anglican Church began in August of 2004, under the leadership of the Rev. Rick Terry.  The church was then associated with the Anglican Mission in America, overseen by the Anglican Province of Rwanda.  However that changed when Good Shepherd became part of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes and the Anglican Church in North America.

The church eventually moved from Paint St. to Mill St., where it spent three years worshipping in the former Zion Baptist Church, before being blessed with the opportunity to purchase a building in Bourneville, where it now meets.

Our Services

Sunday 9:00 am – Sunday School (during spring and fall)

Sunday 10:00 am – Worship Service

Wednesday 8:00 am – Morning Prayer via ZOOM

Thursday 7:00 pm – Evening Prayer via ZOOM